No matter the timing of the circumstance, being locked out is never fun for anyone. Lockouts in Bergen County, NJ do happen though, which is why there are a few steps you need to take when you do find yourself locked out.
Calm yourself down so you don’t make the situation worse
In life, there are some situations that can cause a person to become inflammatory—being locked out can certainly be one of those cases. But, when someone loses control and becomes angry and agitated, they are, in essence, giving control to the situation. By remaining calm, cool and collective, you are the one that is in control of the situation. Take a few deep breaths if that will better help calm you down. By remaining calm, you will conserve energy and also be able to think more clearly.
Assess the situation—is there immediate danger and if so, how do you mitigate?
Take a step back and a moment to look around and see what is going on around you. When faced with a situation like being locked out of your car, residence or business—particularly late at night or early in the morning—it is imperative that you are cognizant to your surroundings. If you do feel that there is a possible threat, the best course of action would be to place yourself in an open public place where there are other people. If that is not an option, then you should remain calm and move to a well-lit area.
Call someone who has your spare key if you can
As frustrating as being locked out is, technological advancements have made it far easier to make the discomfort minimal. Chances are you have a cell phone that will enable you to call someone who has a spare key. If you don’t have a cell phone or one on you, then you likely will quickly run into someone that probably does. While you might not have the number memorized you need to call, there are other ways to get ahold of someone other than calling. You could email or instant message someone through Facebook or Gmail!
Call for a locksmith instead of trying to break into your house
No matter how skilled you think you are, you should not resort to breaking into your home or business when you are locked out. Locksmith services these days not only are affordable, they are extremely timely and efficient. Most now provide 24-hour emergency on-call service in which they will come to you. The whole process takes minutes—not hours or days. When you find yourself locked out, you most definitely are better off getting professional service when lockouts in Bergen County, NJ happen.
Prep some form of ID for the locksmith to prove it’s your home
Just like you would not want a bank teller withdrawing money from your account without first seeing identification, you would not want a locksmith opening up your home or business without first seeing ID. In the end, both the locksmith and you will have far greater piece of mind when personal identification is presented.
Take these few tips into consideration the next time you find yourself on the wrong side of a locked door and you’ll be better equipped to deal with the situation in real time.